Professional Boxing Union since 2018
Recogniced by

World Title: 1200€ Intercontinental Title: 1000€ International Title: 1000€ Continental Title: 1000€ International Title: 1000€ World Youth Title: 1000€ Intercontinental Youth Title: 1000€ Continental Youth Title: 1000€ | World Champion WBU #3 or higher WBU #5 or higher WBU #7 or higher WBU #9 or higher WBU #11 or higher WBU #13 or higher WBU #15 or higher |
All including PBU-Belt
PBU Elimination bout: 200 EUR to determine mandatory contender
Officials Fees:
Supervisor: 150€ each day each title
Referee: 150€ each day each title
Judge: 75€ each day each title
Timekeeper: 75€ each day each title
Plus transport by train, aircraft or by car (0,26€ per km)
Plus food and hotel
Everything must be paid prior the titlefight by the promoter
All Titles for man and female
Title criteria:
World Title: Both boxers must have a positive record
Intercontinental Title: One boxer must have a positive record
Continental Title: One boxer must have a positive record
International Title: No record required
World Youth Title: No record required
Intercontinental Youth Title: No record required
Continental Youth Title: No record required
International Youth Title: No record required
Rules and Regulations of the Professional Boxing Union V.
General: 1. Each round shall be of three (3) minutes duration with one (1) minute intermission between rounds. 2. Three judges shall score the contests and determine the winner through the use of the ten (10) point must system. In this system the winner of each round receives ten (10) points and the Opponent an appropriately lesser number. Under no circumstances will the scoring be less than ten (10) to six (6) exclusive of penalty points deductions. 3. The score cards will be picked up after each round and the tally made by the WBU Supervisor. II Weigh-In 1. Contestants for a Championship contest shall be weighed between 4:00pm and 8:00pm (local time) on the day prior to the scheduled match at a place determined by the Local Boxing Commission and in the presence of a Commission representative and the WBU Supervisor. The scales to be used at the official weigh-in must be available to both contestants at least two hours prior to the official weigh-in. The weigh-in time may be altered at the discretion of the WBU Supervisor. 2. Weight determines championships, if either of the Contestants (Champion or Challenger) fails to make the prescribed weight by the official weigh-in, they have two hours to re-weigh and make weight in the presence of the WBU Supervisor and the local Commissioner. 3. If the Champion fails to make the weight, the title will be declared vacant, but the fight may still continue as a championship bout at the discretion of the WBU. Supervisor present at the time. If the Challenger wins, they shall be declared the new Champion. If the Challenger fails to make the weight, the bout shall go on as a non-title bout. If the contest is for a vacant title and one the Challengers fails to make the weight, the fight may continue as a championship bout and if the Challenger who has made the weight wins, they shall be declared the new Champion. 4. Under no circumstances will the WBU participate in or sanction a bout for its title when one fighter is overweight; when there is a difference of more than 10 pounds between the two participants when the lighter of the two weighs more than 160 pounds and not more than 175 pounds; or 8 pounds between the two participants when the lighter of the two weighs more than 147 pounds and not more than 160 pounds; or 6 pounds between the two participants when the lighter of the two weighs more than 135 pounds and not more than 147 pounds; or 4 pounds between the two participants when the lighter of the two weighs more than 112 pounds and not more than 135 pounds; or 2 pounds between the two participants when the lighter of the two weighs not more than 112 pounds. III Medical Requirements In order to encourage the preservation and protection of the health and welfare of Boxers who compete in bouts that are licensed for the WBU title, both the Champion and the Challenger must submit all medical reports of the Boxer’s medical condition as required by the Local Boxing Commission having jurisdiction over the bout. Prior to the contest, each Contestant must also receive a physical examination and approval by the Physician appointed by the Local Commission. The examination shall meet the standards as dictated by the Local Boxing Commission. At least one Physician shall be present at ringside and be seated at close proximity to each Boxer’s corner. IV Knockdown and Knockout 1. A boxer shall be considered to be “down” when any part of their body, other than their feet are on the canvas or if they are hanging helplessly over the ropes as a result of a legal blow as rules by the Referee, who is the only person authorized to determine this, or if they are still rising from the down position and not standing upright. 2. The mandatory eight (8) count rule shall be in effect in all WBU sanctioned Title bouts. No standing eight (8) is permitted. Three knockdowns in any one round do automatically terminate the fight. If in the Referee’s judgment the knockdowns have been indecisive and clearly with no injurious effect upon the Boxer, the contest may be continued but with good sense and judgment and the Boxer’s welfare always paramount. 3. When the Contestant is knocked down, the Referee shall audibly announce the count as he motions with his right arm downward indicating the end of each sound of the count. If the Contestant taking the count is still down when the Referee calls the count of ten (10), the Referee shall wave both arms indicating that the Contestant has been knocked out. 4. When a Contestant has been knocked down, the Referee shall order the Opponent to the farthest neutral corner of the ring and pick up the count from the Timekeeper or the Official counting for knockdowns. Should the Opponent fail to stay in the corner as directed by the Referee, the Referee shall stop the count at the point that it was interrupted. In the event of any knockdown, the Timekeeper’s count will cease when picked up the Referee whose count shall prevail and be relied on by the Contestant. 5. A Contestant, who has been knocked out of the ring (body off the apron) as a result of a legal blow, may not be helped back in by their Corner people. The Referee shall allow the Contestant twenty (20) seconds to re-enter the ring and stand. Should the Contestant fail to re-enter the ring on his own by the allotted time, the Referee shall wave both arms to indicate that they have been knocked out and raise the hand of the opponent as the winner. 6. A Contestant may not be saved by the bell in any round. If a Contestant is down and the round has terminated, the Referee shall continue the count until the Contestant rises or is counted out. If a Contestant fails to rise before the count of ten (10), they shall be declared a loser by knockout in the round just concluded. V Illegal Actions 1. It is expressly understood that a Championship contest is not to be terminated by the effects of a low blow. The protection that must be used by both Contestants is sufficient protection to withstand any so-call low blow which might incapacitate either one of the Contestants. 2. If one of the Contestants, after the Referee instructs them to continue, indicates an unwillingness to continue because of a claim of a low blow, the contest shall be terminated and the contest shall be awarded to their Opponent. 3. In case of any type of accident found, the Referee shall determine if the fouled Contestant can immediately continue or not. If the Referee determines that their chances have been jeopardized as a result of the foul, the Referee may order an interval of not more than five (5) minutes rest. The bout shall continue hereafter if caused by a low blow. 4. Any Contestant who deliberately fouls their Opponent during a contest shall be penalized with a deduction of points or disqualification, depending on the severity of harmlessness of the foul and its effect on the Opponent. VI Fight Injuries 1. FAIR BLOWS When an injury is produced by a fair blow and because the severity of the injury, the contest cannot continue, the injured boxer shall be declared the loser by technical knockout. 2. SELF-SUSTAINED If a boxer injures themselves, such as a broken bone or sprain and is unable to continue for any other self-sustained physical reason, they shall have lost by technical knockout. 3. INTENTIONAL FOULS If a Contestant intentionally fouls their Opponent and as a result an injury is produced and due to the injury, in the Referee’s opinion the Contestant cannot continue, the offender shall be declared the loser by disqualification. If in the subsequent rounds the same injury should become so severe that the contest has to be suspended, the decision will be awarded as follows: a). Technical draw, if the injured Boxer is behind on points or even on the score cards of the Judges. b) Technical decision, if the injured Boxer is ahead on points on the score cards of the Judges. 4. ACCIDENTAL FOULS If the Referee sees or determines that a Boxer has been accidentally injured by their Opponent so that they cannot continue, a technical decision shall be awarded to the Contestant who is ahead in points on the scorecards. If under the same circumstances the fight can continue, the Referee shall notify the Judges, the Commission, and the World Boxing Union´s Commissioner that the injury has been caused by an accidental foul, so that if in the subsequent rounds the injury becomes so severe that the bout has to be stopped, the decision shall be awarded to the Contestant ahead on the score cards. If a bout has to be stopped as a result of an accidental foul before four (4) rounds have been completed, the bout will result in a technical draw. The fourth round shall be deemed to have ended when the bell rings ending the fourth round. VII Referee 1. The Referee shall be the Chief Official in every Championship contest and shall maintain supervision and control over the contest while it is in progress. 2. Before any Championship contest shall begin, the Referee shall ascertain the name of the Chief Second of each Contestant and shall hold the said Chief Second responsible for the conduct of their respective corner. Shaking hands by the Contestants is permissible immediately following the Referee’s instructions. 3. The Referee is empowered to enforce the Rules and Regulations of the Local Boxing Commission and the Rules and Regulations of the WBU pertaining to the conduct and behavior of the Contestants. 4. The Referee shall be the only person authorized to determine if injuries were the result of legal blows, accidental fouls or intentional fouls and such determinations will be at the Referee’s sole discretion. 5. The Referee shall have the power to stop a contest and render a decision at any stage if they consider it to be one-sided or if either Contestant is in such condition that to continue might subject them to serious injury. 6. If a Boxer sustains an injury from a fair blow or foul that the Referee believes may incapacitate the Boxer, the Referee is empowered to interrupt the contest and consult with the Ringside Physician on the advisability of allowing the bout to continue. The Referee is the only one permitted to signal the end of a bout. 7. The Referee and the Contestants acknowledge that the Referee is not to be an agent, servant or employee of the WBU. VIII Ringside Physician The Ringside Physician may enter the ring during the course of the round only at the request of the Referee. The Ringside Physician may enter the ring between rounds on their own, and advise the Referee about the condition of either Opponent. In the event that the Ringside physician advises or recommends to the Referree to end the bout, the Referee shall immediately end the bout and in the event he/she does not do so the WBU will not be liable for any injury or death of the contestant. IX Timekeeper Subject to the requirements and discretion of the Local Boxing Commission, it is the WBU´s recommendation that two timekeepers should be used, but one may suffice. One keeps the time of the rounds, the other is utilized for the knockdown call. Two stopwatches are to be used. For Male bouts, the rounds are three (3) minutes in duration. The intervals between rounds shall be of one minute’s duration. Ten (10) seconds before the minutes is up, the timekeeper will sound a warning buzzer or whistle and announce “seconds out” in a loud, clear voice. For Women´s bouts, the rounds are two (2) minutes in duration. The intervals between rounds shall be of one minute’s duration. Ten (10) seconds before the minutes is up, the timekeeper will sound a warning buzzer or whistle and announce “seconds out” in a loud, clear voice. Upon request from the referee, the timekeeper shall indicate that there are ten (10) seconds remaining in each round by knocking loudly on a table with a hammer or similar instrument. When any part of a boxer’s body other than his/her feet, is on the floor, a boxer is ‘down’ and the knockdown timekeeper shall immediately start counting the elapsed seconds in a loud, clear voice. He shall indicate each elapsed second with progressive upraised fingers until the referee has either taken up his count or told the contestants to ‘box’. It is entirely up to the referee to determine if a knockdown has occurred. If the referee ignores or waves away the timekeeper, then that is the official ruling. With the exception of the last round, if the referee is in the course of applying a count and the round has been completed, the bell indicating the end of the round will not be sounded. If the boxer rises before ten (10) is counted and the referee gives the command ‘box’, the bell will be sounded to end the round. When a referee orders and signals ‘time’, the timekeeper shall stop the watch and only restart it when the referee orders ‘box’. The timekeeper must always be alert to accept any signals from the referee. X Illegal Substances DRUGS AND STIMULANTS 1. The administration or use of drugs, injections or stimulants, either before or during a match, to any Boxer or by any Boxer is prohibited. This includes smelling salts, ammonia capsules or similar irritants. Any contestant who violates this Rule shall be subject to disqualification. 2. The Local Boxing Commission shall order anti-doping examinations immediately before or after the contest. The urine sample shall be supplied in the presence of a member of the Local Boxing Commission, the Commission Physician or their appointee, and a representative of the Boxer. Such specimen must be collected either at least twelve (12) hours before a bout or twenty four (24) hours after a bout. The specimen shall be collected in a sterile container and shall be divided in two (2) equal parts also in sterile containers. The specimen shall be labeled with the Boxer’s name, date, time and place. The specimen shall be sealed in the presence of the above-witnesses and signed by them. A second specimen shall be used in case of doubt, spilling or argument. If it becomes necessary to examine the second specimen, the Boxer in question, or their representative, may observe, in detail, the opening and analysis of the specimen. The Boxer, or their representative, may be accompanied by a qualified adviser selected by them. The Boxer shall indicate at the time they give the specimen if they are under medication. If the Boxer is under medication, they shall provide evidence that they are using it for therapeutic purposes by means of medical certification and such medication may not be prohibited by the Local Boxing Commission or the WBU. Any drugs prohibited by the International Olympic Committee shall be considered illegal drugs by the WBU, whether considered performance enhancing or not and shall subject the violator to disqualification. 3. Any substance, other than plain water, given to a Contestant during the course of the bout is absolutely prohibited. A discretional amount of lubricant may be used around the eyes; however, the use of lubricants, grease or any other foreign substance on the arms, legs or body is prohibited. 4. A discretional use of coagulants approved by the Ringside Physician, such as adrenalin (1/1000), may be allowed between rounds to stop bleeding of minor cuts or lacerations sustained by a Contestant during the course of the fight. 5. The use of “iron type” coagulants, such as Monsel’s solutions, are absolutely prohibited. The administration of any “iron type” coagulants by or to any Contestant is considered a violation and shall be grounds for disqualification. XI Boxing Gloves 1. The weight of gloves to be used in Championship contests shall be as follows: a) Superwelterweights, up to and including Heavyweights, shall use ten (10) ounce gloves. b) Mini Flyweights, up to and including Welterweights, shall use eight (8) ounce gloves. 2. The Local Boxing Commission’s Inspector shall inspect the gloves of each Contestant prior to the beginning of the contest to insure that the gloves are free of any foreign substance that could be detrimental to an Opponent and are properly laced and taped. XII Bandages 1. The amount and type of bandages to be used in Championship contests shall be as follows: a) In all weight classes, up to and including Middleweights, hand bandages shall be restricted to ten (10) yards of soft gauze bandage not more than two (2) inches in width, held in place by not more than six (6) feet of surgeon’s tape, one (1) inch in width, for each hand. b) Super Middleweights, up to and including Heavyweights, shall not use bandages of more than twelve (12) yards in length and not more than eight (8) feet of surgeon’s tape, one (1) inch in width, for each hand. c) The binding of surgeon’s tape shall not be applied within one (1) inch of the knuckles of the Contestant’s hands. The Local Boxing Commission shall inspect the bandages to insure they comply with these and all Local Regulations. XIII Protection Equipment All Professional Boxers are required to wear a mouthpiece during competition. The round cannot begin without the mouthpiece. If the mouthpiece is dislodged during competition, the Referee will call time and replace the mouthpiece at the first opportune moment without interfering with the immediate action. Points may be deducted by the Referee if they feel the mouthpiece is being purposely spit out. All male boxers must wear cups. All women´s boxers must wear Breast protectors. It is the responsibility of the Boxer and their Trainer to take sufficient mouthguards to the ring and ensure that the boxers are fitted with the appropriate protection devices before a bout. MISCELLANEOUS XIV Various The Champion will wear the Championship Belt when coming into the ring, which will be given to the Referee by the Champion and passed to the WBU Supervisor at ringside. At the end of the contest, before the result is announced, the WBU Supervisor and the Chairman of the Local Boxing Commission or their representative, and the Promoter of their representative shall be invited into the ring to immediately proceed with the Championship Belt Ceremony. The WBU does not arrange, promote, organize or produce Championship Contests. It merely promulgates rules governing the contests, licenses the use of its name and awards the Championship belt to the winner. The scheduling of bouts, safety standards, supplying of safety equipment, ambulances, evacuation and emergency procedures, the provision of doctors or any of the attendant and peripheral matters necessary to supervise and administer any fight for which it has licensed the use of the WBU name are always arranged by the Promoters under the supervision and control and in accordance with the Rules of the Local Boxing Commission. It is the obligation of the Promoters and/or the Local Boxing Commission to meet all governmental safety standards and to pay for the entire boxing promotion. That the successful Contestant of the championship hereby agrees to adhere to the WBU Rule that they must defend the said title within the said weight class within a six month period of winning the title or the WBU reserves the right to declare the title vacant. Twelve months after first winning a WBU title the Champion must also face a mandatory designated challenger from the WBU executive who reserve the right to accept a purse bid. Any WBU titleholder that participates in an unsanctioned title bout will be automatically stripped of their title. The parties undersigned hereby agree to participate in the bout and hereby release, discharge and indemnify and keep indemnified the WBU, its officers, agents and employees, from all claims, actions, demands, judgments and executions which the undersigned, its heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns may have, or claim to have, against the WBU, its officers, agents, and employees fro all personal injuries, known or unknown, and injuries to property, real or personal, caused by either directly or indirectly, or arising out of the above sporting activities. Betting Rules and Conditions Outright Betting 1. In the event of a delayed fight, bets placed previous to the weigh in will be valid for 30 days. Wagers placed after the weigh-in will be voided unless the fight is reorganized for the following day. 2. A value will be offered in the event of a ‘draw’ and in the incidence of this taking place, all wagers on either boxer to win, will be voided. In the event of a “Technical Draw” the outcome will be classed as a draw. 3. A knockout will include a technical knockout and a disqualification. Round betting 1. In the event of a point’s decision being awarded earlier to the full number of rounds being completed, wagers will be settled on the round in which the fight was stopped. Bets based on the event of ‘winning on points’, will only be paid if the complete number of rounds are completed. 2. If a boxer fails to answer the bell, the fight will be considered to have ended in the prior round, regardless of what the official decision may be. 3. If, for any purpose the chosen amount of rounds on which bets are offered is altered, all round by round betting will be void, but match wagers will be valid. 4. Bets will be settled on the official result directly following the fight. Announcements or enquiries after this outcome will not impinge on the conclusion. (Betting Rules and Conditions summarized from here)